About Me

Hi! I’m Eva

When people say, ‘Did you always want to be a writer?’, I say,
‘No! I always was a writer.


– Ursula K. Le Guin


Meet the Writer

Writing ist my passion, and so is reading. I have been sticking my nose into a book for as long as I can remember.

Since my early childhood, I have been creating stories in my head. They spawned as an idea, developed and ripened, and then, when the boundaries of my brain became too tight, they bubbled to the surface in the form of storytelling and play.

The first one I ever wrote down was a story I created for my son. I started writing – and never stopped.

My mission is to bring the joy of reading to children and adventurous minds of any age. To share that special, contagious enthusiasm and ignite the creative spark in others.

Reading broadens your horizon, and it takes you to places you never thought existed. Yet they are all there, deep inside your imagination. I want to help bring them to life.

Reading is important. Reading educates.

Reading helped me tremendoulsy, to improve my speech, broaden my vision, expand my vocabulary and understand context. It bestowed me the gift of being able to change my perspective, to view things from a different angle and see through other people’s eyes, which furthered my empathic capacity and sharpened my communication skills at the same time.

It is my deepest wish to do the same for others, by giving them stories to explore, about subjects they enjoy.


Meet the Organiser

What is a project?


Someone has a great idea. A vision. And as soon as that vision becomes a mission, you have yourself a project.

But how to tun it into something tangible?

Measure your success by transforming that initial idea to reality.

For that, you need resources. People, tools, time, budget – structure.

You’re all set? Great!

Do you know why a lot of projects never come to fruition?

Because your everyday business forces itself into a priority position. Always. And that is perfectly normal. Because every business needs to generate profits.

You know what a business also needs?

Innovation. Development. Growth.

To make your project a success, you need someone to keep an eye on things. To see them through to the end. To keep everyone focused, on schedule and, above all, motivated.

Add me to your team for the duration of the project.

As a project team, we will bring the right people togteher, set up an efficient and cost-effective schedule and bring the project to its successful conclusion.

My core strengths are:

+ Working on international teams
+ Intercultural communication
+ Organising projects
+ Setting up and sticking to an efficient schedule
+ Keep everyone focused and motivated

Getting the job done – succeed as a team!

Tell me about your project!

What we discuss will remain fully confidential,

Let’s keep an open mind.
Until we find out if our interests align, everything will be free of charge and completely unbinding.