Reading Examples

The Fountain Of Time
Excerpt from Chapter 1

Candy Girl

Excerpt from Chapter 1

Candy Girl

LEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, the Minifigure and NINJAGO® are trademarks of the LEGO® Group. I am not associated with the LEGO® Group. All views are my own. 

Lloyd pressed his back against the wall and peered around the corner.

The corridor was dark and silent.

Without making a sound, he inched around the wooden beam, then sprinted the short distance to the next one, careful to avoid certain floor boards, which squealed when one stepped on them.

Lloyd paused and listened.


He was just about to make his way to the last pillar, when he saw a shadow move in the dimness at the end of the corridor.

Squinting into the darkness, he dropped into a crouch and craned his neck. He could not see anything.

A floor board behind him creaked softly. Lloyd shot to his feet and whipped around, staring directly into Kai’s face.

Out of reflex, he pinned Kai against the wall, until his brain had fully registered that his attacker was friend not foe.

“Holy mess, Kai – don’t sneak up on me like that!”, Lloyd hissed. His pulse still raced.

Kai smirked. “Hey, I’m a ninja. That’s what we do,” he whispered back.

Lloyd was just about to bite off a retort when he suddenly felt a heavy hand on his shoulder, which made him jump.

“Is everything alright here?” Cole asked from the shadows behind him.

Kai chuckled. Lloyd eyed his friend sharply.

“I caught this ‘intruder’ sneaking around in the dark,” Lloyd said.

“Ha! I’d say it was the other way around,” Kai poked Lloyd’s chest with his hand, which made Lloyd cringe.

“Admit it, sweet tooth, you were on your way to the kitchen. Don’t try to deny it!”

Lloyd finally let go of Kai and straightened himself to his full height.

“You can’t prove that,” he sniffed. “I saw a suspicious shadow and followed it,” he quickly added.

“Yeah, sure,” Cole said and his tone of voice suggested that he had seen right through the ruse.

“Holy mess, what’s this?”, an angry voice shouted from the end of the hall. “Who put that there?

Read on

The friends looked at each other.

“Jay?” Cole raised his bushy, black eyebrows.

Lloyd, Kai and Cole hurried to the kitchen door, where Jay was standing in his blue pyjamas, cursing under his breath.

He was dripping wet.

The kitchen door stood slightly ajar. An empty water bucket was lying on the floor inside the gap.

Cole held his stomach with both hands and laughed heartily. “What happened to you, man?”

Jay glowered at him, his eyes shimmering in the dark. “This isn’t funny, Cole!”

“Yes, it is,” Kai snickered, putting his arm on Cole’s shoulder.

“Now I’m glad that I didn’t get to the kitchen first,” Lloyd murmured.

“Aha! I knew it,” Kai winked. “Can’t resist the sweets, can you?”

“Guys, come on,” Cole interrupted their bickering. “Let’s go about this in a civilised manner.” He grinned. “We’re going in there,” he pointed at the kitchen door, “we pick just one piece of candy each, return to our rooms and munch them like gentlemen.”

Kai patted his friend’s shoulder. “Excellent idea, Cole. Let’s do that, right now.”

Jay put his hand on the door. “I’ll go first! Since I took the shower for all of you oafs, I think I’m entitled to first pick.”

He wrung his shirt, then pushed the door open all the way.

The friends marched in, but stopped dead in their tracks when the room was suddenly flooded with light. Momentarily blinded, the ninja groaned and tried to shield their eyes from the sudden brightness.

Nya leaned against the kitchen table, where the huge candy basket stood, the colourful candy gleaming invitingly in the lamplight.

She had her arms crossed, raised a critical eyebrow and tapped her foot in a reproachful manner.

Jay chuckled nervously and gulped down his gasp. “Oh, hi Nya,” he tried.

Kai cleared his throat. “Hey sis… We were just checking if the candy was still here,” he said, with as much confidence as he could muster.

“Yeah”, Cole came to his aid, “to make sure nobody stole it or anything.”

“Really now,” Nya said, dragging the vowels. The friends could tell she wasn’t buying it.

Lloyd’s eyes darted nervously between Nya and his partners in crime. “Well,” he finally said, “you seem to have everything under control, Nya.”

He regarded his friends with a meaningful wiggle of his eyebrows. “We should go back to our rooms and get some rest. After all, we have a performance tomorrow,” he added.

Kai, Jay and Cole readily agreed and nodded their heads.
“Good night, Nya,” Jay said sweetly, his soaked pyjamas leaving behind a wet trail on the floor boards as he walked back the way they had come.

Nya waved. “Good night, guys. And don’t wake Zane. You know he hates it when his backup gets interrupted.”

She smirked. “Sweet dreams.”

1 Comment

  1. Hi my dear Eva,

    nice page, fantastic work, friendly image. I ´ve found the page without any problems. I think, we´ll see us next days to make new plans and fictions 🙂 Groovy greetings from the neighbourhood.

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The Vision

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The Fountain Of Time

A Ninja Mission

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The Fountain Of Time

Up The Mountain

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The Fountain Of Time

Cave Crawlers

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The Fountain Of Time

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Worlds Apart

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Spectrally Ever After

A Ninja Ghost Story


Lightning Legacy

The True Story About Jay’s Parents


The Faceless Warrior

The Sequel to ‘The Fountain Of Time’


Books by Eva Hammerschmidt